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Title: Charley Creek Partial Relinquishment Report for EL 28434 for the period 28 July 2011 to 6 February 2020
Title Holder / Company: Crossland Nickel
Essential Mining Resources
Crossland Strategic Metals
Report id: CR2020-0086
Tenure: EL28434
Year: 2020
Author: Melville, P
Abstract: The subject tenement originally consisted of 125 sub-blocks when granted on 28 July 2011 to Crossland Nickel Pty Ltd and Panconoz Pty Ltd. The latter entity was purchased by Essential Mining Resources Pty Ltd. (EMR) in 2016. Crossland holds a 56.28% and EMR 43.72% ownership of the licence. Both companies are wholly owned by Crossland Strategic Metals Limited (Crossland). This Report deals with the 47 sub-blocks voluntarily surrendered by Crossland on the 3rd February 2020. The only on-ground activity on the relinquished area was Aircore drilling in 2012. Much of the area surrendered consists of the Mount Hay Granulite Complex. Mount Hay and adjacent areas were declared by the Central Land Council (CLC) as 'No-Go'. In addition the Hamilton Downs Homestead and associated infrastructure are located in the surrendered area.
Date Added: 17-May-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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