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Title: ML 23868 Annual Report 12 August 2012 to 11 August 2013
Title Holder / Company: Imperial Granite and Minerals
Report id: CR2013-0665
Tenure: ML23868
Year: 2013
Author: Benger, J
Abstract: This report details a limited program of bulk sampling that was conducted at 4 sample sites on ML 23868, located on Mount Riddock station on behalf of Imperial Granite and Minerals Pty. Ltd. The sampling program involved collection of composite samples, of average weight 2-3 tonnes per sample at four preselected sample sites. The aim of the program was to generate composite samples at different points within a mineral sands prospect to assist with scheduling during the mining phase of the project.
Date Added: 22-Apr-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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ML23868_2013_01.pdf44.74 kBPDF Add
ML23868_2013_02_Summary_Report_Feb2013.pdf5.49 MBPDF Add
ML23868_2013_03_Scoping_Study_T1400.pdf1.68 MBPDF Add

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