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Title: Annual and Final Report EL 9874, 2013 period ending 11 June 2013
Title Holder / Company: McLaughlin, D
Report id: CR2013-0552
Tenure: EL9874
Year: 2013
Author: McLaughlin, D
Abstract: EL 9874 was granted on the 12th August 2008. Field work on the EL commenced in May 2009 commensurate with cooler desert weather and continued in 2010, 2011 and 2012 over the May to July-August period. The two blocks were reduced to one in 2010. The objective of the exploration program was to identify possible areas of high quality specimen azurite. Hence this was unconventional exploration typical of small miners using low impact field methods. A Mineral Claim was pegged over the azurite containing formation exposed in the adit at the end of the field season in 2010 for the purposes of producing specimens in known zones of high quality and to further exploration in the adit. This Mineral Claim (MCA28231) was advertised by Minerals and Energy in February 2011. Under transition provisions of the new Mineral Titles Act, reapplication was required by the Department and the original mineral claim area was advertised in relevant newspapers as Mineral Lease 29494 on Friday 22nd June 2012. A Section 46 ALRA consultation was conducted by the CLC at the exploration site in June 2012 and the Department of Resources was notified of the outcome of this meeting. A draft Deed was forwarded to the relevant Federal Minster for her consideration. The Section 46 application to the CLC was also forwarded to the NTG. Following CLC and Commonwealth approvals, ML 29494 was granted by the Department on 21st December 2012. With the grant of the ML and the approval of a Mine Management Plan for the ML, no exploration activities were carried out over EL 9874 in 2013. All authorised activities in 2013 were conducted within the ML. These activities will be reported in the ML 29494 Annual Report due by mid December 2013. As no exploration activities were carried out in the area outside of ML 29494. All expenditures for 2013 activities will be reported as a part of the Annual Report for ML 29494. As exploration activities carried out on EL 9874 were determined by the Department to not constitute Substantial Disturbance, an Authorisation was not required in relation to a mine/exploration Management Plan under the Mine Management Act. Hence there is no requirement to submit an application for a Certificate of Closure and request a refund of security. This report is a summary of all information given in all annual reports during the life of the title.
Date Added: 22-Apr-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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