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Title: EL 26483 Annual Technical Report year ending 17 July 2013 Suplejack Project
Title Holder / Company: Suplejack
Ord River Resources
Report id: CR2013-0571
Tenure: EL26483
Year: 2013
Author: Hutton, M
Abstract: Ord River Resources Ltd is manager of Exploration Licence (EL) 26483, which covers 330km2 in the Tanami Region of the Northern Territory, through its subsidiary Suplejack Pty Ltd. The tenement is located within the Suplejack Downs Pastoral Lease, approximately 630km northwest of Alice Springs, 40km north of Tanami Gold's Groundrush gold mine and 25km north of ABM Resource's Hyperion gold exploration project. Previous exploration in the area covered by the licence has included airborne magnetics and radiometrics, ground magnetics, soil, rock chip and drainage geochemistry, regional RAB drilling and follow-up RAB, RC and diamond drilling. The project is prospective for gold mineralisation in orogenic quartz veins hosted by PaleoProterozoic sediments and volcanics that have been cut by shear zones and splay faults. Mesothermal quartz-gold veins may also be derived from granitic intrusions in the area. Previous drilling on the Tregony prospect has outlined a small gold deposit. A twelve-hole drilling program, totalling 2,406.4m, was completed at the Tregony prospect. Most of this drilling was aimed at extending the Tregony mineralisation at depth and along strike / down plunge of previous intersections. The drilling program intersected narrow, variably mineralised, fault/shear zones with quartz veining within low grade metamorphosed sediments. Better intersections include: 1.0m at 96.3g/t gold from 254.0m (TRD601); 4.0m at 2.38g/t gold from 88.0m (TRD602); 1.04m at 20.8g/t gold from 148.0m (TRD604).
Date Added: 20-Apr-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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