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Title: East Mereenie 7 Engineering and Testing Reports, 1982 to 1994
Title Holder / Company: Magellan Petroleum
Canso Resources
Flinders Petroleum
Moonie Oil
Report id: PR1983-0068
Tenure: PL5
Corporate Author: Gearhart Australia
Drillhole/Well Name: East Mereenie 7
Rig release date: 22/06/1982
NOTEAdditional reports are available in hard copy and can be scanned on request : Flowing Bottomhole Pressure Survey 29 September 1984 (PR1983-0069); Reservoir Fluid Study (PR1983-0070); Pressure Survey 30 June 1982 (PR1983-0075); Pressure Survey 17 June 1983 (PR1983-0076); Static Gradient 3 June 1983 (PR1983-0077), Pressure Survey 22 April 1983 (PR1983-0078); Flow and Interference Test May and June 1983 (PR1983-0079); Interference Test 27 January to 11 February 1983 (PR1983-0080); Assay Performed on Crude Oil for BHP Petroleum (PR1983-0081), EM 7, WM #3, EM #5 Special Core Analysis March 1985 (PR1983-0082); 72-hour Bottom Hole Pressure Survey 26 March 1985 (PR1983-0083); Static Gradient Pressure Survey post 72 hour Build-up 29 March 1985 (PR1983-0084); Workover/Fracture Stimulation Program (PR1983-0085); Flowing Gradient Survey (PR1983-0086); Flowing Gradient Survey and FBHP (PR1983-0087); PE-120/130 TSO Fracture Treatment (PR1983-0088); Well Test data from 44 tests between 13 October 1984 and 06 July 1986 (PR1983-0089)
Document Type: Engineering Report
Drilling Report
Date Added: 15-Apr-2020
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Wells (PEX Wells)

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