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Title: Aalgamated Technical Report for the period 30 March 2012 to 29 March 2013, EL 28275 and the period 1 September 2011 to 29 March 2013, EL 28611
Title Holder / Company: Rox Resources
Report id: CR2013-0369
Tenure: EL28275;  EL28611
Year: 2013
Author: Mulholland, I
Abstract: No exploration work was undertaken by Rox during the reporting period except for some brief geological prospecting and drill site rehabilitation. The market conditions for exploration in general and for phosphate in particular deteriorated significantly during the period. Several more advanced phosphate projects were put on hold and partners withdrew from other projects such as Wonarah. Rox tried unsuccessfully to attract a joint venture partner to Marqua, speaking with several Chinese and Indian parties to no avail. The biggest issue for the Marqua phosphate deposits is their distance from transport and market. It is over 350km by unsealed and poorly maintained road to the north-south Adelaide-Darwin railway line to the west, and 330km by a similar standard unsealed and poorly maintained road to the rail head at Phosphate Hill in Queensland.
Date Added: 19-Mar-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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