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Title: 2013 Group Technical Report GR-148/10 EL 10182, EL 24524, EL 27249
Title Holder / Company: Groote Eylandt Mining Company
Report id: CR2013-0266
Tenure: EL10182;  EL24524;  EL27249
Year: 2013
Author: Hope, D
Abstract: During FY13 (between August and December 2012), exploratory drilling was conducted with the purpose of increasing the understanding of the stratigraphic succession of the region and the potential manganese mineralisation. In EL 10182, 46 RC holes were drilled for 3,037 metres (generating 1,140 samples) as well as three stratigraphic diamond core holes for 285 metres. Additionally three stratigraphic diamond holes were also completed on EL 24524 for 142 metres. GEMCO continues to have a long term plan for exploration in the Northern Territory; however work programs and proposed activities are constrained by the currently accessible land. Based on the success of the 2012 exploration program, GEMCO has revised its model for manganese mineralisation. Previously the focus was solely on primary Groote style mineralisation; however the model has now been broadened to include secondary and tertiary mineralisation styles. This is the focus of the planned work in EL 24524 for the forthcoming season.
Date Added: 12-Feb-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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