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Title: Annual Report 10 September 2019 to 2 October 2019 and Final Report 3 October 2011 to 2 October 2019 for EL 28727 Barrow Creek Project
Title Holder / Company: Prodigy Gold
Report id: CR2019-0507
Tenure: EL28727
Year: 2019
Author: Backus, R
Abstract: Prodigy Gold NL (Prodigy) allowed Exploration Licence (EL) 28727 to expire on 2 October 2019. EL 28727 formed part of Prodigy's Barrow Creek Project (GR162), which is situated approximately 250 km north of Alice Springs, in the Arunta region of the Northern Territory. Prodigy acquired the Barrow Creek tenements to explore for gold mineralisation. The Barrow Creek Project was part of the North Arunta Joint Venture (JV) agreement, between Prodigy and Thunderbird Metals Pty Ltd (Thunderbird). Gladiator Resources Ltd (Gladiator) acquired the project from Thunderbird; and subsequently managed the tenement for a six month period before withdrawing EL 28727 from the JV in September 2018. Since grant, exploration activities included a project-wide reprocessing of aeromagnetic data, integration into an interpretive basement geology map, and desktop studies and reviews. No on ground exploration was conducted. Prodigy's review of data did not reveal any prospective areas on EL 28727.
Date Added: 3-Feb-2020
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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