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Title: Geochemistry results for core samples taken from core in the Amadeus Basin
Report id: CSR0497
Year: 2019
Author: Roskowski, J
Williams, J
Corporate Author: First Quantum Minerals Exploration (FQM)
Australian Laboratory Services
Drillhole/Well Name: 09CPD002;  09CPD003A;  CPDD003;  Todd River A;  BL002;  Ringwood 1;  Ringwood 2A;  UNDOOLYA GAP 1;  CPDD002
Abstract: This report contains a summary of sample details and relogged lithology code with written description and assay composites. Please note: Assumptions and conversions with respect to the down hole sample depths had to be made. Unless otherwise stated, an average sample length has been given as 20 cm; a conversion rate of 30.5 cm = 1 ft has been used for the samples recorded in feet. Some samples did not have the exact DH depth recorded so an approximation was made based on lithologic descriptions, sample photos, surrounding samples, original logs, and understanding of sample methodology. These samples have been identified within the attached data and are considered to be the best estimate of the true sample depth.
NOTESee also GS1966-001, GS1967-004, CR2009-0964, CR2007-0754, CR2008-0881, CR2009-1126, CR2010-0385
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 30-Dec-2019
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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