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Title: Lucy Creek Project EL 24716 Luck Creek, EL 24724 Johanssen Range Group Annual Report for period ending 1 December 2012
Title Holder / Company: NuPower Resources
Report id: CR2012-1072
Tenure: EL24716;  EL24724
Year: 2012
Author: Davey, G
Abstract: In Year 7 soil sampling was done along the phosphate-prospective base of the Cambrian marine sediments in the Lucy Creek and Johannsen Range tenements. Results for P2O5 and other elements (Ce, Sr and Zn) were comparable to those from an orientation survey over the Arganara phosphate deposit. These results have upgraded the prospectivity of these tenements and drilling will be done when funds allow.
Date Added: 23-Dec-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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