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Title: Airborne Hydrocarbon Gas Survey and Soil Gas Survey
Title Holder / Company: Pancontinental Petroleum
Report id: PR1982-0020
Tenure: OP175
Year: 1981
Corporate Author: Vaporsearch
Abstract: Airborne hydrocarbon gas sensor study over known gas and oil reservoirs in the Mereenie and Palm Valley gas-oil fields. Limited ground surveys revealed anomalous gas seepages over the Mereenie Oil Field, however due to lack of soil over Palm Valley, no reliable samples could be collected. This study of known anomalous areas could act as a benchmark for frontier areas. The report is inconclusive about the effectiveness of this technique. Due to high costs, ground surveys instead of airborne surveys could prove useful in a limited way.
Document Type: Regional Geophysical Interpretation
Date Added: 7-Nov-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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