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Title: Annual Report EL 9874 2012
Title Holder / Company: McLaughlin, D
Report id: CR2012-0565
Tenure: EL9874
Year: 2012
Author: McLaughlin, D
Abstract: Sampling continued in the adit over the May-June-July 2012 period, and observations were made on the changing distribution and nature of the azurite mineral specimens. The focus of 2012 exploration was in a western direction on an along strike and up dip area paralleling the anticlinal axis. A week was spent further exploring the decline down the southern dip of the anticlinal limb. There was no surface disturbance of the land by exploration in 2012 as the old open cut in front of the adit showed that azurite mineralisation is linked to a kaolinite lense contained within sandstone and that any economic mineral specimen exploration has to be away from the surface weathered regolith and well within the adit.
Date Added: 26-Sep-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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