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Title: Seventh Annual Technical Report for the reporting period ending 5 May 2014 EL 24839 Fenn Gap Iron-Manganese Project
Title Holder / Company: Genesis Resources
Report id: CR2015-0286
Tenure: EL24839
Year: 2015
Author: Poulsen, J
Abstract: Two brief site visits were made during May and September 2014. Checks were made on the location of RC holes drilled during 2011 and three, short geological mapping traverses were made across the area of high gravity response north of the known manganese - iron mineralisation. Four representative rock samples were collected for specific gravity measurement as reference against results of the previous gravity survey. Two samples were collected from goethite - manganese mineralised outcrops and two samples were collected from dolomite outcrops on ridges that correspond to the area of the gravity high.
Date Added: 13-Aug-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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