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Title: First Annual Report for EL 28205 Karinga Creek Potash
Title Holder / Company: Rum Jungle Resources
Reward Minerals
Report id: CR2012-0120
Tenure: EL28205
Year: 2012
Author: Doyle, N
Dunster, J
Abstract: Exploration is targeting subsurface potassium-, magnesium- and sulfate-salts in dry salt lakes brines to eventually produce potassium sulfate (SOP) and potassium magnesium sulfate (schoenite) fertiliser, probably using solar evaporation ponds. During the first year of tenure of EL 28205, nine air core drill holes were drilled for 210 metres with 12 brine samples assayed. Brackish water suitable for stock use was sampled in hole KPAC034, with all other holes producing salt water varying from relatively high to mostly low grade in potassium magnesium sulfate salts.
Date Added: 1-Aug-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL28205_2012_A_02_DrillCollars.txt2.75 kBText Add
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EL28205_2012_A_04_Lithologs.txt3.45 kBText Add
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