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Title: Annual Report (including a bridging report component) to cover exploration activities over MCC 174, MCC 287, MCC 288, MCC 344, MCC 365, MCC 366 and MLC 49, MLC 212, MLC 308, MLC 527, MLC 599 and MLC 617, 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: Santexco
Emmerson Resources
Report id: CR2011-1255
Tenure: MCC174;  MCC287;  MCC288;  MCC344;  MCC365;  MCC366;  MLC49;  MLC212;  MLC308;  MLC527;  MLC599;  MLC617
Year: 2011
Author: Walters, A
Abstract: Exploration activities over these leases have not occurred due to the identification and registration of a cultural sacred site - Mt Samuel Area. This has inhibited any on ground exploration of the subject tenure.
NOTEAdditional geophysics datasets are available on request
Date Added: 2-Jul-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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