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Title: Geophysics and Drilling Collaboration Final Report for Saint Vidgeon Project EP184 - June-August 2014
Title Holder / Company: Imperial Oil and Gas
Report id: PR2014-0092
Tenure: EP184
Year: 2014
Corporate Author: Imperial Oil and Gas
Abstract: This is a report of the study undertaken for the purpose of petroleum exploration by Imperial Oil and Gas, which drilled four shallow partially cored holes and re-entered and deepened one of these wells. The target was the Saint Vidgeon Formation of the Vizard Group. The wells are located within the Urapunga Fault Zone, a structural sub-basin in the McArthur Basin, previously not known as a possible petroleum system. This project is part of on-going program to understand the depositional environments and petroleum potentials of the region.
Date Added: 28-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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