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Title: An Attempt at the Geological Interpretation of the South and South East Port of the Bonaparte Gulf Basin
Title Holder / Company: Australian Aquitaine Petroleum
Report id: PR1967-0021
Tenure: PE127H;  OP2;  OP83
Year: 1967
Corporate Author: Australian Aquitaine Petroleum
Abstract: The North-South Gravity High following the 129th meridian should belong to a horst of the basement, which separates two Proterozoic-Palaeozoic anti Permian sub-basins, which suffered rapid subsidence. This horst seems to be the north prolongation of the Halls Creek Mobile Zone. Anomalies follow a weakness zone due to faulting along which intrusions have made their way (designated by gravity). These intrusions could belong to either Devonian salt or acid lavas from the basement. The Carboniferous targets defined in Kulshill wells, should be reached in some offshore wells (Maximum depth 14000')
Date Added: 27-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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