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Title: Technical review of EP18 & EP(A)70 Beetaloo Basin
Title Holder / Company: Mataranka Oil
Report id: PR1998-0034
Tenure: EP18;  EPA70
Year: 1998
Corporate Author: RobSearch Australia
Abstract: Mataranka Oil NL is the permit holder of EP 18 (Parts 1 and 2) in the Northern Territory. Mataranka has also made an application, EP(A) 70), for the area between parts 1 and 2. The total area of the permit and the application area, referred to as the 'EP 18 area', is about 10,000 square kilometres. This report reviews the potential of Velkerri and Kyalla formations.
Economic studies indicate that oil could be produced on a small, but profitable scale, by trucking the oil to Darwin. Oil production on a large scale would need to be transported by pipeline to Darwin. Gas production could be transported to Darwin by the existing pipeline that passes along the western boundary of the EP 18 area.
Date Added: 27-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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