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Title: Recommendations regarding further exploration
Title Holder / Company: Moonie Oil Company
Report id: PR1982-0137
Tenure: OP165
Year: 1981
Corporate Author: Cudill, Meyers and Associates
Abstract: This report was prepared at the request of Moonie Oil Co. in June and July 1981, to assist their planning of the next stage of the exploration of NT Permit, OP 165. The material on which this report is based are: (a) preliminary data from Davis 1 well, (b) parts of unpublished geophysical and geological data, related to a BMR Bulletin on the Ngalia Basin by A T Wells et al, (c) BMR Record 1974/49 on the Ngalia Basin seismic, (d) Magellan March 1972 report on their 1971 Ngalia Basin seismic, (e) Rane Resources September 1980 Report (for Magellan) on the Davis Anticline - Ngalia Basin, (f) discussions with J. Moss and A. Wells in Canberra, and work maps viewed during these discussions, and (g) various other material relating to the Ngalia Basin.
Date Added: 26-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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