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Title: Photogeologic Evaluation Report of a Portion of S.E. Northern Territory, Australia
Title Holder / Company: Three States Natural Gas Company
Report id: PR1960-0011
Tenure: OP28
Year: 1960
Abstract: This report covers an area of approximately 10,000 square miles in the southeastern portion of the Northern Territory of Australia. The north and south boundaries of the project area are the 23 and 24 degrees south latitude lines respectively. The 135 45' minute east longitude line forms the western boundary, and the 138 east longitude line forms the eastern boundary. See plate 1, General Location Map. The town of Alice Springs is approximately 120 miles west of the project area, and the northern part of the Simpson Desert lies generally across the southern half of the project area.
Date Added: 25-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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