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Title: Reconnaissance Soil Gas Alkane Survey OPs 175 and 178, Amadeus Basin, NT
Report id: PR1986-0054
Tenure: OP175;  OP178
Year: 1986
Corporate Author: Petrofocus
Abstract: A reconnaissance scale soil gas alkane survey carried out over 16 widespread areas of OP175 and 178 showed clusters of samples containing anomalous concentrations of methane, ethane, propane and butane to be present in several areas.
Although the concentrations of the light alkanes were overall much lower than in previous surveys due to the flushing effects of heavy rainfall which preceded the survey, clusters of anomalous samples were recorded over or near to the Mereenie oilfield, the Palm Valley gas field and the Dingo gas field. These results have served as comparisons for results obtained from areas lacking drilling control.
Date Added: 25-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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