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Title: Annual Technical Report MLN 41 Evelyn Prospect 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: Crocodile Gold
Report id: CR2011-1269
Tenure: MLN41
Year: 2011
Author: Edwards, M
Abstract: MLN 41 is a small tenement which is located about 5 km NW of the Moline Gold Field. The MLN was applied for to cover North Evelyn base metal prospect and was granted in 1969 for 21 years. It covers 8.9 hectares, and is surrounded by EL 28616. This tenement was held by Michael Teelow until August 2011 when it was transferred to Crocodile Gold. In the reporting period Crocodile Gold was responsible for all activities on the lease. The tenement is situated in the northern Part of Mount Evelyn 1: 250 000 sheet (Pine Creek Orogen), which is characterised by open to tight, upright N to NW-trending folds within the Palaeoproterozoic meta-sedimentary and volcanic rocks. MLN 41 and surroundings is host to gold and base metal mineralisation. Geological setting of the area shows that tenement and surroundings (EL 28616, Crocodile Gold Australian Operations Manager) has significant potential for gold and base metal mineralisation. Presence of the Koolpin Formation and Allamber Springs Granite further point towards the presence of uranium mineralisation as found on the western side of the granite body. During several field trips were taken to the area to understand the local infrastructure and local geology, a VTEM survey was also flown over the title, this survey is currently being review and prioritised. A site visit is planned to the tenement in the coming year to compete detailed local geology mapping with some associated sampling. A review of the VTEM targets on this tenement may also be required.
NOTESee CR2017-0054 for Aerial VTEM Survey
Date Added: 25-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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