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Title: Airborne Hydrocarbon Sensing Survey for EP20, NT
Title Holder / Company: Indigo Oil
Report id: PR1989-0177
Tenure: EP20
Year: 1988
Corporate Author: Recon Exploration
Abstract: RECON Exploration was retained by Indigo Oil to perform an airborne hydrocarbon sensing survey over selected target leads in EP20, Northern Territory, Australia. The leads were defined by a satellite photo analysis of the central and western portions of EP20 in the Amadeus Basin. A total of nine significant strength hydrocarbon microseepage anomalies were detected along seven microseepage anomalies of moderate strength and two minor intensity anomalies. It is planned to validate and characterise selected airborne anomalies by combined interstitial soil gas hydrocarbon and soil magnetic susceptibility measurements. These results will be integrated with data from previous programs in the area.
Date Added: 24-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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