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Title: Linear Swellmeter Testing Of a Shale Sample of Ooraminna-1 (2700-2706 ft - Pertatataka Formation)
Title Holder / Company: Central Petroleum
Report id: PR2009-0208
Tenure: OP43
Year: 2009
Corporate Author: Baker Hughes
Abstract: The Kuala Lumpur Drilling Fluids Laboratory, on behlaf of Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids, conducted Baroid Linear Swellmeter tests on a small sample of shale. This material was submitted from Central Petroleum, Australia. Linear Swellmeter test results indicate that 6% KCl/Polymer has a more inhibitive effect on the shale than 3% KCl/Polymer. Deionized water had 9.28% swelling, while 3% KCl/Polymer had 8.60% swelling. 6% KCl/Polymer had 6.19% swelling.
Date Added: 24-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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