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Title: Geology and petroleum prospects of OP146
Title Holder / Company: Exoil
Report id: PR1966-0016
Tenure: OP146
Year: 1966
Corporate Author: Exoil
Abstract: Marine Cambrian rocks outcrop immediately west of the permit. If these sediments extend through the permit, the prospects for oil and gas are good. The Ordovician-Devonian Mereenie Sandstone has excellent reservoir characteristics, and if present with suitable capping could easily trap hydrocarbons from underlying marine Cambrian rocks. Similarly the Devonian-Carboniferous sequence, if developed would further enhance oil and gas prospects. Production from the Permian has been established in the Gidgealpa and Moomba fields. The petroleum potential of Mesozoic sediments is speculative.
NOTEReport available on request
Date Added: 24-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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