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Title: Geology of the South Eastern part of the Amadeus Basin
Title Holder / Company: Frome-Broken Hill Company
Report id: PR1960-0014
Tenure: OP43
Year: 1960
Corporate Author: Frome-Broken Hill Company
Abstract: An area of approximately 20,000 square miles in the southeastern part of the Amadeus Basin was assigned for field investigation to 'Amadeus No. 2' field party. 24 30' and 25 40' south and longitude 133 30' and 136 00' east and includes the Rodinga, Charlotte Waters and western parts of the Hale River and McDill standard map sheet areas (4 miles to 1 inch).
Date Added: 24-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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