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Title: Annual Report Geothermal Exploration Licence Roper Bar (23/2/2011 to 22/2/2012) Year 1
Title Holder / Company: Western Desert Resources
Report id: GR2012-0002
Tenure: GEP27829
Year: 2012
Corporate Author: Western Desert Resources
Abstract: Western Desert Resources Limited (WDR) began to pursue an interest in geothermal energy in the Roper Bar region following its successful identification of iron ore deposits in the region and a subsequent option study of potential power options.
Prior to grant of GEP 27829, WDR had commissioned two desktop studies into the geothermal potential of the region. A regional assessment of geophysical data first identified the Beetaloo Sub-basin as prospective for geothermal energy. Subsequently, a dedicated geothermal systems assessment identified the key exploration risks and preliminary prospective areas for geothermal energy near the Roper Bar project.
GEP 27829 was granted on 23rd February 2011, strategically placed to cover potential geothermal targets that may have slightly thickened formations of lower thermal conductivity as well as potential structural targets that may provide enhanced permeability to assist power generation utilising lower temperature geothermal fluids.
Work undertaken during the first year of tenure has included commissioning of a lease specific Geothermal Systems Assessment report, which included preliminary heat flow modelling and overall assessment of the geothermal potential of the lease.
Date Added: 24-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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