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Title: Petrographic Study of the Pacoota Sandstone, Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory
Title Holder / Company: Magellan Petroleum Australia
Report id: PR1986-0056
Tenure: OP175
Year: 1986
Corporate Author: Martin K
Abstract: A total of 61 thin-sections were examined in this study and one sample was analysed by x-ray diffraction methods. Eighteen of the thin-sections were prepared as part of this project; the rest had been prepared earlier and were supplied with the samples. The majority of samples used in this study were arenites with only three carbonate rocks and five mudrocks inclduded. Most of the samples came from outcrop sections but a small number were subsurface samples from P3B subunit in the Mereenie Field. All subunits of the Pacoota Sandstone (P1-P4) were represented in the surface samples.
Date Added: 21-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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