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Title: Preliminary Report on Total Organic Carbon & Potential Source Rocks in Cambrian Segment of the Amadeus Basin, OP175 and OP178 of the Northern Territory
Title Holder / Company: Pancontinental Petroleum
Report id: PR1982-0041
Tenure: OP175;  OP178
Year: 1982
Corporate Author: Pancontinental Petroleum
Abstract: Good Potential hydrocarbon source rocks appear to be undeveloped in the Cambrian sequence of the Amadeus Basin. This preliminary study of wells drilled in the basin, based primarily on total organic carbon measurements of core and cuttings, has indicated that only marginal source facies exist in the eastern part of the basin during Early Cambrian time, and the northeastern region during later Middle and Late Cambrian time.
Date Added: 21-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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