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Title: Browns Mine Leases MLN 139-147 and MLN 150-152 Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: Compass Resources
HNC Australia Resources
Report id: CR2011-1216
Tenure: MLN139;  MLN140;  MLN141;  MLN142;  MLN143;  MLN144;  MLN145;  MLN146;  MLN147;  MLN150;  MLN151;  MLN152
Year: 2011
Author: Rosewall, D
Abstract: During 2011 an extensive drilling program consisting of 770 metres of RC and 485.3 metres of diamond drilling was undertaken south of the current Browns Oxide open pit. The purpose of this program was to supply at least 200kg of lead dominant fresh sulphide sample so the joint venture partners could plan and undertake a detailed metallurgical test work program. Core retrieved from this program is currently being held in refrigerated storage until a decision is made on how and when to proceed with the test work. As a result no samples have been taken and no core has been logged at this stage.
Date Added: 21-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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