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Title: Annual Report Hopeful Star Mineral Leases MLC 624 and MLC 632 for the period 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: WDR Gold
Report id: CR2011-1200
Tenure: MLC624;  MLC632
Year: 2011
Author: Bennett, A
Abstract: The Hopeful Star Project consists of two Minerals Leases within the Tennant Creek goldfields on which there are historical 'Hopeful Star and Hopeful Star Extended' workings with an estimated total past production of about 2638 tonnes at a head grade of more than 9 grams per tonne gold. No production has occurred during the current reporting period, however a compilation of historical exploration and the current high gold price has led to the conclusion that drilling is warranted to investigate the potential of the lease to host an open pit-able gold resource. Eight rock chip samples were collected during a reconnaissance field visit, with low levels of gold anomalism reported up to 0.068 grams per tonne.
Date Added: 21-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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