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Title: Source Bed Distribution in the Horn Valley Siltstone, Amadeus Basin
Title Holder / Company: Pancontinental Petroleum
Report id: PR1983-0009
Tenure: OP175;  OP178
Year: 1983
Corporate Author: Pancontinental Petroleum
Abstract: A favourable combination of shallow burial (1000 to 1300 metres) and oil-prone source beds in the Horn Valley Siltstone is essential to the search for oil-bearing reservoirs in the Cambro-Ordovician sequence in the Amadeus Basin. These two factors lead to the conclusion that the only prospective area for Horn Valley Siltstone sourced oil reservoired in the Pacoota Sandstone is north west of the Mereenie Oil Field in areas of shallow burial. It is in the areas outlined that future exploration aimed at oil production from Pacoota Sandstone and Stairway Sandstone reservoirs sourced by Horn Valley Siltstone kerogens should be directed.
NOTEEnclosures (1.23GB) available on request
Date Added: 21-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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