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Title: Provision of engineering type work for the determination of the quality and maturity of source rocks in the Georgina Basin
Title Holder / Company: Pacific Oil and Gas
Report id: PR1993-0002
Year: 1992
Corporate Author: NPO Sibgeo
Abstract: The report to the Pacific Oil and Gas Pty Limited on the contract No589/1423602/90023
Volume 2, Plots of pyrolysis data versus TOC content and extract yeild (Georgina Basin), contains variations in organic carbon content, production index, hydrocarbon index, Tmax versus organic carbon for drillholes: Ammaroo 1, Owen 2, Mount Isa 1, BMR 13 (Sandover), Hukitta 1, Lucy Creek 1, BMR 12 (Cockroach), Tobermorey 14, Mount Whelan 1,
Volume 3, Table of rock, kerogen, bitumoid and naphthide compositions, for drillholes Owen 2, Hacking 1, Baldwin 1, Elkedra 2 and Elkedra 7
NOTEVolume 1 possibly missing
Volumes 2 - 4 in Russian and English
Date Added: 20-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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