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Title: Evaluation for suitability for geochronology, Ngalia Basin samples
Title Holder / Company: Magellan Petroleum Australia
Report id: PR1995-0022
Tenure: EP15
Year: 1991
Corporate Author: Amdel
Abstract: Samples were sent to Amdel from Magellan Petroleum to evaluate the suitability of them for geochronology. Thin section samples were prepared and examined with a polarising microscope. To determine the time of deposition of a sediment, the sample must contain an authigenic mineral that formed during the deposition process or immediately after, during diagenesis. The authigenic mineral must also contain K or Rb in sufficient abundance to produce detectable amounts of the radiogenic isotope (Ar or Sr) and the mineral must have remained a closed chemical system since its time of formation.
The samples do not contain any authigenic minerals that could be used for geochronology. The chlorite matrix would not contain K or Rb and has a poor retentivity for the radiogenic isotopes. The samples are therefore unsuitable for dating.
Date Added: 20-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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