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Title: Relinquishment Report EP58, Pedirka Basin, NT
Title Holder / Company: Kiwi Australian Resources
Report id: PR1996-0012
Tenure: EP58
Year: 1996
Corporate Author: RobSearch Australia
Abstract: EP58 was granted to Kiwi Australian Resources on 23 November 1992 and RobSearch Australia was contracted to provide the technical services. No wells have been drilled in the permit area to date, but well data from the adjacent area combined with seismic data are sufficient to predict the sedimentary sequence and the major structural elements within the permit area.
Although the desktop studies further upgraded the prospectivity of the permit and seismic reprocessing significantly improved the quality of the existing seismic data, the seismic grid is too sparse to delineate drillable prospects. Also, the effort to find a faminee to share the cost of acquiring additional seismic was unsuccessful and the permit was relinquished in 1995.
Date Added: 20-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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