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Title: Memorandum: Amadeus Basin Magneto Telluric (MT) modelling
Title Holder / Company: Pacific Oil and Gas
Report id: PR1992-0093
Tenure: EP26;  OP72;  OP130
Year: 1991
Corporate Author: Pacific Oil and Gas
Abstract: Poor seismic energy transmission through the Bitter Springs Formation (Evaporitic Sequence), and the possibility of strata repetition due to thrust folding has made seismic methods for horizon delineation very problematical. An alternative method using Magnetotellurics (MT) modelling was used in attempt to resolve the difficulties in detecting either the Heavitree Quartzite (potential reservoir) horizon, or the basin-basement interface, using resistivity logs from three wells (Murphy 1, Mount Charlotte 1 and Erldunda 1) in the southern Amadeus Basin. The Heavitree Quartzite - Bitter Springs Formation interface, or the basement interface could be detected if the Heavitree Quartzite had a high enough conductivity thickness product (Resistivity 2-10 ohms, with a thickness of 600m). The report is inconclusive on whether MT modelling resolved the interface problems associated with the Heavitree Quartzite.
Date Added: 20-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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