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Title: Palm Valley 3 Workover Report
Title Holder / Company: Magellan Petroleum
Report id: PR1973-0030
Tenure: OP175
Year: 1973
Corporate Author: Magellan Petroleum
Abstract: After the discussion regarding the proposed workover of Palm Valley 3 and a complete review of the work required on both Palm Valley 3 and 4, it was recommended to conduct a workover program as per the revised AFE. The program calls for the placing of a blanking plug at the bottom of the tubing string to allow the present string to be depressured and the new 1.9' tubing installed inside the present 3.5'/4.5' tubing. After running the tubing and installing the Christmas Tree, this blanking plug could be opened to reinstate gas production.
Date Added: 20-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum and Geothermal Tenure Reports (PEX Tenure)

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