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Title: Annual Report Gold Mile Mineral Lease MLC 625 for the period 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: WDR Gold
Report id: CR2011-1198
Tenure: MLC625
Year: 2011
Author: Bennett, A
Abstract: The Golden Mile Project consists of a single Minerals Lease, MLC 625, within the Tennant Creek goldfields, on which there are historical workings but little exploration attention in recent decades. Reported past production at Golden Mile consists of 124.5 tons crushed, for 112.4 ounces of gold when the workings were held as GML 591 and GML 592. It is not known if there has been any further production since 1939. Western Desert Resources (WDR) picked up the tenement from Tennant Creek Gold (NT) Pty Ltd during its listing in 2007 and interest has been rekindled following recent good results reported in the Tennant Creek district and the high gold price. The only worked carried out this reporting period was an extensive search for historical exploration information and a GPS pick up of the lease boundary pegs by a local field contractor.
Date Added: 14-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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