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Title: Annual Report for MLN 297 and MLN 298 part of the Bynoe Harbour Project period ending 31 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: Paspaley Pearling Company
Ostojic Group
Report id: CR2011-1151
Tenure: MLN297;  MLN298
Year: 2011
Abstract: MLN 297 and MLN 298 are part of the Bynoe Harbour Project, and is located near the eastern coastline of Bynoe Harbour between Keswick Point and Rankin Point. The main objective of the project is the extraction of quality aggregate (ornamental stone and gravel) and coarse sand. The titles have not been worked to date and no mining anticipated in 2012-2013.
Date Added: 11-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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