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Title: Annual and final report for year ending 7 December 2011 EL 23571 Reynolds Range
Title Holder / Company: Arafura Resources
Report id: CR2011-1023
Tenure: EL23571
Year: 2011
Author: Hussey, K
Abstract: In 2005, Arafura conducted helicopter-borne reconnaissance of selected U and Fe targets on EL 23571. Reconnaissance exploration results were disappointing. On-ground follow up of the 2008 airborne hyperspectral survey data was carried out. A total of 266 rock chip and 6 stream sediment (heavy mineral concentrate) samples were collected and assayed. No Nolans Bore-type mineralization was located during reconnaissance activities on EL 23571 in 2009. No significant REE rock chip values were encountered however a number of sample sites yielded potentially interesting assays for other metals. Minor desktop studies were undertaken to evaluate the mineralisation potential and outline exploration activities for 2010. Unfortunately the extreme wet year and ground conditions prevented access for on ground exploration activities in 2010. The desktop assessment and evaluation of the existing rock chip dataset and HyMap targets indicates that the exploration of additional, smaller REE HyMap targets is probably not warranted. However a cluster of rock chips collected from an advanced argillic HyMap target were highlighted for follow up systematic exploration sampling. Two of the 2009 HMC samples from EL 23571 were determined to be of interest with respect to REE mineralisation. The HMC geochemical signature of these samples showed geochemical indicators consistent with the possible presence REE mineralisation and/or alkaline or carbonatitic igneous rock in the source region. No on-ground investigations were undertaken in 2011, primarily due to focus on the development of the Nolans Bore deposit and on-going problematic ground conditions created by the extensive wet season of 2011. No additional digital data has been obtained for 2011.
Date Added: 3-Jun-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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