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Title: Amalgamated annual technical report for the period 30 December 2010 to 29 December 2011 EL 24709 and EL 24710 Wave Hill
Title Holder / Company: Australian Mineral Mines
Report id: CR2011-0995
Tenure: EL24709;  EL24710
Year: 2011
Author: Thomson, C
Abstract: Australian Mineral Mines Pty Ltd is exploring EL 24709 and EL 24710 Wave Hill for prehnite, agate, amethystine and smoky quartz within Lower Cambrian Antrim Plateau Volcanics. The area is renowned for producing beautiful specimens of these minerals. During the reporting period the exploration activities conducted onsite included; geological mapping, cutting, polishing and sampling of samples for quality control, marketing and administration work.
Date Added: 30-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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