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Title: Annual Combined Report for ML 24511 for period ending 4 December 2011 Tiwi Islands
Title Holder / Company: Stirling Zircon
Matilda Zircon
Report id: CR2011-1122
Tenure: ML24511
Year: 2011
Abstract: This annual report covers ML 24511 a 909.4 hectare mining lease which covers the Lethbridge West high grade mineral sand deposit. The ML is located on Melville Island, which forms part of the Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory. In the reporting year the primary focus of exploration and development was care and maintenance prior to moving the Infrastructure from Matilda's Lethbridge West deposit to develop the resource at Lethbridge South on the adjacent mining lease ML 27438. The mining camp remained on the Lethbridge West mining lease, ML 24511. A total of 134,503t of ore at a grade of 8.61% Heavy Mineral was mined from the Lethbridge West deposit. 11,383t of Heavy Mineral Concentrate was produced.
Date Added: 29-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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