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Title: EL 23578 South Mount Fitch Annual Report from 30 December 2010 to 29 December 2011
Title Holder / Company: Compass Resources
HNC Australia Resources
Report id: CR2011-1102
Tenure: EL23578
Year: 2011
Author: Rosewall, D
Abstract: Thorough 3D geophysical modelling was carried out during the year generating a number of first, second and third order basement targets. Gravity station data was merged with existing regional data to infill and give better resolution to regional gravity anomalies. A field program of anomaly investigation using mapping and drilling was designed to be carried out during the 2012 field season. Database and GIS work continued incorporating the newly acquired datasets. Corrected data for the gravity and electromagnetic surveying was submitted to the Department.
Date Added: 28-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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CR2011-1102_EL23578_2011_A_02_Areas1_2_XTEM_survey_Evaluation_Summary.pdf6.29 MBPDF Add
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