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Title: EL 23284 Corridor 1 Final report 16 July 2003 to 14 September 2011
Title Holder / Company: Giants Reef Exploration
Emmerson Resources
Report id: CR2011-0956
Tenure: EL23284
Year: 2011
Author: Walters, A
Abstract: EL 23284 consisted of 6 blocks (6.51km2) when first applied for by Giants Reef, to cover an area of land proximal to the TC8 mine and the developing Chariot gold deposit. Both of which occur within the same structural corridor (CMC). Exploration work conducted during tenure included: Literature review; gravity survey (797 stations); gravity modelling; reconnaissance; historical data compilation; drilling; Heli-TEM; and the application of Vector Residual Magnetic Intensity (VRMI). Emmerson considers EL 23284 to be highly prospective and is encouraged by early interpretations of the HeliTEM and VRMI data and will continue exploration over the area under the newly granted EL 28775.
NOTESee previous Annual Report for Geophysics
Date Added: 24-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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