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Title: Annual report for period 3 October 2010 to 3 October 2011
Title Holder / Company: Paladin NT
Cameco Australia
Paladin Energy
Report id: CR2011-0891
Tenure: EL25758
Year: 2011
Author: James, K
Thom, J
Loftus, I
Abstract: EL 25758 was granted to the Cameco Australia Pty Ltd/Paladin NT Pty Ltd Joint Venture on 3 October 2008, for a period of six years. Cameco Australia Pty Ltd operated and managed the project from 3 October 2010 until 19 August 2011, and Paladin Energy Ltd managed the project from then on. Because of the NT Government's announcement on 28 September 2010 that it would not support the development of a mine at Angela, a substantially reduced program was undertaken during the reporting period. The reduced program consisted of three (3) rotary mud drill holes for a total of 690 m , together with ongoing environmental monitoring.
Date Added: 16-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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