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Title: Alexandria Station Gypsum Claims, Exploration summary report, MCC 205 - 208, MCC 983 - 990, 9 October 2010 to 8 October 2011
Title Holder / Company: Northern Cement
Report id: CR2011-0944
Tenure: MCC205;  MCC206;  MCC207;  MCC208;  MCC983;  MCC984;  MCC985;  MCC986;  MCC987;  MCC988;  MCC989;  MCC990
Year: 2011
Abstract: No exploration was carried out on these claims for the year. The tenements were granted for the purpose of mining gypsum. Based on an auger drilling program in 1990 by LG Nixon and associates, a resource of 1.0 Million tonnes is estimated. No exploration is planned for the upcoming season.
Date Added: 16-May-2019
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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