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Title: Todd River Aeromagnetic Survey
Title Holder / Company: Flamingo Petroleum
Report id: PR0196-0001
Tenure: OP75
Year: 1964
Corporate Author: Aero Services Limited
Abstract: The 1964 Todd River Aeromagnetic Survey was carried out by Aero Services Ltd within OP75 in the Northern Territory. The survey area covered approximately 3900 square miles and comprised of a total of 1974 line miles. The primary purpose of the survey was to locate and define geologic information as it is reflected in the aeromagnetic records. Specifically this would include the delineation of the basement surface by contouring depth estimates obtained from the magnetic anomalies, and the location of contacts, faults, intrusives and any other structural or lithologic information that may be indicated by the magnetic data.
Document Type: Magnetic Survey
Date Added: 7-Feb-2019
Appears in Collections:Petroleum Geophysical Surveys (PEX Geophysics)

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