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Title: Petrological analysis of samples from Drillhole SDDD002
Report id: CSR0074
Year: 2011
Author: Wetherley, C
Barrett, F
Corporate Author: Enigma Mining
Drillhole/Well Name: SDDD002
Abstract: The Mount Peake project is now at Pre-Feasibility stage and a comprehensive review of the geology of the Mount Peake area and Ti-V-Fe deposits was required to further the project. Petrological analysis of samples from Stirling Deeps Diamond Drillhole Number 2 (SDDD002) was undertaken in June 2011 to help document the petrology and mineral chemistry of lower part of the Murray Creek Intrusion. Analysis was completed at 222.5m and 250.0m.
Document Type: Core Analysis
Date Added: 10-Jan-2019
Appears in Collections:Core Sampling Reports

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