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Title: Final report for EL 27290 Conical Hill
Title Holder / Company: Arafura Resources
Report id: CR2010-1058
Tenure: EL27290
Year: 2010
Author: Hussey, KJ
Abstract: EL 27290 was only held for less than one year and consequently limited exploration activities have occurred within the tenement area. Office-based desktop studies including literatures searches and GIS studies were conducted in 2009-2010 using NTGS regional and company datasets. These studies identified a number of geological targets to be investigated. These targets corresponded to mapped calcsilicate rocks, currently thought to be part of the Reynolds Range Group. Some exploration targets were investigated in late 2009 and others in early 2010. However the extreme wet conditions of 2010 prevented ongoing access to the tenement and the short term of tenure meant that only limited on-ground exploration could be conducted during the period of grant. Arafura visited a total of 6 sites in 2009, while under application, as it was working in the area and a further 2 sites were visited during the period of grant. Arafura attempted additional preliminary field reconnaissance of EL 27290 on three occasions between June and August 2010. However all attempts at vehicular access during mid-2010 proved fruitless, largely due to the extremely wet boggy conditions and flowing creeks on the southern side of the Reynolds Range. The sites visited by Arafura contained no economic mineralisation of interest. Despite this Arafura identified a potential for Sn-P-Y-HREE skarn- or vein-type mineralisation in the region and more systematic follow up exploration is warranted. Nolans Bore-type mineralisation was not identified in EL 27290 however the absence of detailed airborne geophysical data means that the potential for Nolans Bore-type mineralisation has not been thoroughly evaluated.
Date Added: 10-Dec-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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