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Title: Annual report 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010
Title Holder / Company: Holcim Australia
Report id: CR2010-0922
Tenure: EMLC12;  EMLN29;  EMLN30;  EMLN34;  EMLN79;  EMLS40;  EMLS41;  MCN4952;  MCN4953;  MCN4954;  MCN4955;  MLN387;  MLN388;  MLN389;  MLN392;  MLN393;  MLN394;  MLN396;  MLN397;  MLN411;  MLN412;  MLN413;  MLN424
Year: 2010
Author: Blick, G
Abstract: These titles are mainly held for hard rock quartzite and other extractives. Many of the titles are at Tennant Creek, Darwin, North Road, Mount Bundy, Noonamah and Acacia Hills are inactive. There has been no exploration or mining other than on the Katherine titles during the reporting period.
Date Added: 3-Dec-2018
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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